Fire power of Sun Mega Engine! Water power of Tsunami Scream! Wood power of Bamboo Planet 1000X Times! Metal power of 10,000 Ebony Handle Axes! Earth Power of Mountain Troll Magic! Marriage is Unstoppable Force like Wasabi Bullets of Love!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


After getting roundhoused by Portland, we trucked it straight to Seattle. I knew that we were going to have a good time after seeing my most favoritest “bumper sticker” EVER:

I thought it was so great, I drove the rest of the way with my eyes closed!

Juli kept trying to get a shot of Seattle as we drove in.

She failed miserably.

We stayed with Kale and Hannah, who just moved out to Seattle a month or so ago. They found a place but were jobless, so we knew we had plenty of time to wrap up our trip.

This is Orange Kitty. Kale is totally gay for it.

Seattle in many colors.

The Space Noodle ain’t shit.

Truthfully, we spent most of the time eating.

This is the remains of a Gordito’s burrito. It is so big that I cannot get a good scale shot of it with my hand OR with a quarter. Keep in mind that this is maybe half of what it originally started as. I know it looks like Juli’s Special Portland Souvenirs in the pic, but it tasted incredible. The best part? Gordito’s true specialty is the GRANDE burrito, which is literally twice the size of this one. Seriously—this specimen only uses one tortilla, whereas the GRANDE uses TWO. Just how gordito are you?

When we weren’t eating or drinking fine microbrews, we visited nature. Here is the trail one block from Kale and Hannah’s place.

Hannah in a Hobbit Hiding Hole (with bonus rainbow laser).

The trail leads to Puget Sound, where we frolicked.

We also relaxed.

We also played a little Brokeback Mountain.

This is the place where I need to find gainful employment ASAFP.

Yeah, a local Space Travel shop. It was closed, but you can see all the supplies through the window.

We also saw Bruce Lee’s grave. No Jimi Hendrix this time, but you can only see so many famous dead people.

Then we went and posed for erotic pictures, although only Kale ended up getting painted.

In actuality, Kale and Hannah are drumming and dancing in an Erotic Arts Festival (no worries, their performance is pretty tame), and so we went to a rehearsal. In a trailer. Full of erotic art. Under the interstate. In an earthquake zone.

We also saw a troll under a bridge. It twern't shit.

We tried to go see some live music on Friday, but surprisingly, there wasn’t much to see as it was St. Patty’s. Except for the Electric Six, of course.

We celebrated the last night of our trip as we are wont to do. We are wont to drink much wine, eat much salad, bread, cheese, and maybe some more wine. Good times. It really is a shame that we had to kill them with garrote wire lest they reveal our secret plans to the Enemy.


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