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Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Immortal Shakeface

I've been meaning to add these for a while, and I guess 2am on a Wed. night is as good as any. During our sojourn to Seattle that started this whole blog mess, we were introduced to a beautiful camera technique by one Mr. Kevin Connolly, formerly of Vegas, currently back in the Sunshine State. It's a simple method that yields untold HOURS of silly fun. Take camera. Aim camera at face. Take face. Shake face. Take picture. Hilarity ensues.

Since being introduced to this esoteric art, we've done our part to spread the wonders of documenting the effects of centripetal (centrifugal?) force upon the putty-like substance of human flesh cheeks. I've been privy to a veritable menagerie of Shakeface lunacy: band photos, drunken drooling, fireside intimacy, you name it.

What follows is a small sampling, and keep in mind that we've got near hundreds of these now. I'm glad to give additional samples should the need arise (also keep in mind that we don't even KNOW at least one or two of these folks...)

And as a special treat, here's Kevin's progeny showing us all how it's done:


Blogger kevinc said...

Wow. I am so proud of you. You have absolutely mastered this technique, and I am honored to say that I past on this ridiculous skill you. The shakeface phenomenon is catching on, and I have inspired many around the world with this art. I have a treasure troph full of shakeface pics to share with you that will make your jingle balls ring out with Christmas laughter. My goal is to get a shot of Santa doing shakeface this year when he is delivering toys to my house... And then I will shoot him with my .45!
Use the photo force, young Shakeface Jedi-
Keep up the stellar work.
Love and respect-

7:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Mitchells.

(that's what everyone does here in Palm Beach and all other Preppy Places: address couples by the plural version of their last name. we've been addressed as "the Burkes" quite a few times - despite my never having changed my last name.)

anyway your awesome christmas card prompted me to check your blog, and you know what? i don't care what they say about it; it's a good blog.

the unrealized canada trip was my favorite entry. let it remind all who read it that SHOPLIFTING IS A SERIOUS CRIME. external retail theft is a problem of epic proportions in the US, its impact estimated at over $10 billion annually. this drives retail costs up for all of us. and, contrary to popular belief, there is no "small" shoptheft incident. even your friend's theft of - what was it, $0.75 worth of bait? - is still a serious offense, and as your story illustrates, the ramifications of such an offense can reverberate for years.

as you know.

happy new year!!

Caroline C.

5:54 AM


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