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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hmmm, updates. OK, recently I've been digging circular breakfasts:

What I didn't even include there was my circular travel French Press that Juli got for me so's I can drink tea and/or coffee in the morn. This was a short phase and more often I'm enjoying Irish oatmeal soaked overnight w/ some buttermilk and fruit, but the circular breakfasts are still choice.

Also, I started eating meat again after just over 12 yrs. of being veggie. I drove straight into the deep end and made meatloaf ("drove" was originally a typo, but I like the phrase now so it stays):

I also made liver, but it was foul and I couldn't finish it. Trying to still eat meat sparingly, but I'm glad that my options are more open now.

Let's be honest--both of those pictures are quite disgusting w/ all the grease (I think it looks worse than it was what w/ the camera flash, but still, that meatloaf was bathing in grease when I pulled it out of the oven). So to compensate, here's some recent artwork:

And here's what my desk has looked like recently:

All in all, I've got close to 40 pieces done, and maybe 10 frames or so. I'm doing it all, folks--cutting mats and glass, cutting, sanding, assembling/gluing, staining frames, the works. So yes, it's taking a LOT longer than I anticipated when I started this journey, but we're getting somewhere. As I've been telling everyone, it's been 2 steps foward, 1 step back the entire way, but that's still progress, and I'm proud of it. If there's a speedbump in the process, believe me, I've hit it, but we're almost there and hopefully stuff will be hanging on a wall in a month or so.

The frames, BTW, are ink-stained and the woodgrain still shows through, which I think is very cool. The ones posted above were Mom-and-sister-in-law specials, although they'll be available at an upcharge to those who want them. But I think the ink stain looks great and shoddy in a good way, so those will be the standard ones.

There are also white frames that are pretty much identical outside of the color (it's watered-down acrylic instead of black ink, and you can see one in the lower right corner of the pic), so multiple pieces hung together should look cool. Pics of finished pieces once I have them, but consider this a quick update to whet the proverbial appetite...

Um, also Jules helped me recover the speaker cloth on my amps, which I think looks quite bitchin':

I'm moved into the other bedroom now to have a place for all the music/artwork stuff (accumulating more tools than I've ever had before w/ all the frame work), and it's working out well.

That's all I got--mainly just letting you ones and zeroes know that we're still alive and kicking!


Blogger Weinkle said...

looking good concon. As long as you eat meat sparingly and mostly local, you'll be doing more than the veg-head who survives on flora shipped from venezuela.

10:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, I'm surprised you went back to the omnivore world.

you realize you've thoroughly screwed me for holidays, though. now that I'm the only one (even though I'm at best occasional in my vegetarianism) they'll all taunt and drown my plate in gravy.

I like you self portrait the best. I think you should do more portraiture.

10:45 AM


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