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Monday, January 07, 2008

Seattle Samhain Pt. II

Trying to get some of our pics up onto this dern blog o' ours:

This year for Halloween, we did what probably everyone else did, too--dressed up F.A.N.C.Y. and went to go see a local burlesque/musical/martial arts/circus group in an abandoned chocolate factory.

Here are the guilty parties starting out their night proper (please note Garren is not F.A.N.C.Y.--he is a 6 ft. carrot-top Catholic school girl [naturally]):

I am looking admirably at my stunning mate:

We are looking admirably at Garren's stunning asset:

Things started out somewhat under control. We're die-hard fans of Circus Contraption now. We first saw them almost a year ago and were hooked immediately--dirty jukejoint Tin Pan Alley band replete w/ ukulele and horn section backing up acrobats, jugglers, magicians, sword swallowers, you name it. Plus, they have a pole dancer. Automatic good times, in our book. Here we are, revving up but still w/ our senses about us:

Didn't take too long for this to happen:

And then this happened:

And then, dear Lord, this happened:

Here is the ringleader of said Circus Contraption, Armitage Shanks, looking fetching (and bloody):

There was also an INCREDIBLE opening act that did synchronized martial arts choreography over a soundtrack of classic Hong Kong karate sound effects. I keep trying to upload a video of it, but Blogger and/or Google is being grumpy, so please complain to them.

This is the aforementioned pole dancer sans pole for the night, looking decidedly more pale and undead. She climbs the rope:

And does a bunch of craziness like this (keep in mind this is 20-30 ft. up in the rafters of an old creaky warehouse):

So yeah, we had an awesome time.

BONUS OCTUBRE FUN TIME PICTURE!!!!!: Two VERY serious musicians contemplating their art, their lives, and the Universe itself:


Blogger Frances said...

I just can't wait to come visit. I miss you both terribly.

5:54 PM


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